ACATIS Fair Value Investment AG

ACATIS Fair Value Investment AG is the investment advisor for the ACATIS Fair Value funds.

ACATIS Fair Value Investment AG is solely responsible for selecting stocks in accordance with sustainable and ethical aspects, the ACATIS Fair Value sustainability criteria.

Our business travel is CO2 neutral (electric car or train). In the event that we need to use other means of transport (e.g. planes), the resulting CO2 emissions will be compensated.

Rainer Unterstaller

CEO, Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter

Walter Eggenberger

Präsident des Verwaltungsrates

Vivien Jain

Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates, CEO Aquila AG

Edith Aldewereld

Vertrieb, Nachhaltigkeitsberatung, Gründerin Netzwerk „Women in Sustainable Finance“ in Zürich

Edith Aldewereld

Vertrieb, Nachhaltigkeitsberatung, Gründerin Netzwerk „Women in Sustainable Finance“ in Zürich