Sustainability Advisory Board
The ACATIS Fair Value sustainability advisory board advises management with regard to the design of the ethical and sustainable criteria for the funds.The ACATIS Fair Value sustainability advisory board advises management regarding the design of the ethical and sustainable criteria for the funds.
The sustainability advisory board offers advice regarding the orientation, introduction or removal of ACATIS Fair Value criteria. The sustainability criteria of the funds are used for this purpose. For example, the advisory board may use the EthiFinance ratings to check whether fund management complies with the ACATIS Fair Value criteria.
Titles that are not covered by an existing EthiFinance rating are initially analysed by the rating agency and then reviewed by the sustainability advisory board, which makes a decision. In that way, the advisory board also functions as the “conscience” of the funds. The structure and work design of the sustainability advisory board have been designed for the long term, in the interest of maintaining content continuity.
The activities, duties and rights of the sustainability advisory board are set out in separate internal rules of procedure.
ACATIS Fair Value sustainability criteria can only be changed with the consent of the independent ACATIS Fair Value sustainability advisory board, which makes decisions on behalf of investors.
Prof. Dr. Henry Schäfer, Stuttgart

Former Chair for General Business Administration and Finance at the University of Stuttgart.
He has conducted research and provided advisory services for the intersection between sustainability, governance and finance for the past 25 years.
In Germany, he is considered a research and consulting pioneer in the area of financial sustainability.
Dr. Wouter Pronk, Zurich

The water specialist currently works at Livinguard AG in Zug. At Livinguard, he is in charge of the R&D department, which focuses on a broad spectrum of applications, ranging from anti-viral technologies for the coronavirus pandemic to cost-effective methods for water treatment in developing countries.
Previously, he worked at the water research institute at ETH Zurich as a Senior Scientist for 17 years. His research specialities are: membrane technology for drinking water and waste water treatment, future scenarios and adjustment strategies in the water sector and water treatment in developing countries (cost-effective filtration at the household level).
Prof. Dr. Falko Paetzold

Falko Paetzold is Assistant Professor in Social Finance at the EBS University, as well as founder and director of the Center for Sustainable Finance and Private Wealth (CSP) at the university of Zurich.
He promoted Cum Laude at the University of Zurich and has an MBA of the University of St. Gallen. Previously Falko Paetzold was a sustainability analyst and working at the internal consultancy department of a Swiss Bank.
He founded the network Green Buzz, that empowers intrapreneurs in several cities to incorporate sustainability in their companies.